Miriam Hamsa
Oh my goodness. I went to Solway with my family, but it would have been in the 50's.
Bonnie Loewenstein
I'm delighted to find this web site! I stayed at Solway House with my parents, maybe for a week at a time, during the 60s; wish I could remember the exact years, most likely '63 and '64. I remember the rec hall, which had a red Coke machine with very cold Coke in glass bottles. I recall having cake and milk with other kids in that little gazebo in the photo below. I remember watching an old, black and white, adventure movie with other kids in the rec hall. Does anyone know if the rec hall was called something different?
Eve Walter
Nope. Just the rec hall
Wendy Schuman
The Walters' son Lanny (right) and wife Carole, with family friend Ken Schuman. Lanny helped run Solway House. Ken and Wendy visited for many years.
Wendy Lerner
My family and I went to the Solway House in the 60’s. We spent the best 2 weeks of my life there. I have such fond memories. I too remember Uncle Irving waking us every morning. “Good morning boys, good morning girls!” I was on line a few months ago, and somehow came across the family hotel that replaced it. They showed pictures describing this place. I didn’t realize it replaced Solway House, until I noticed the same paved road with white edging on the right was still there. This was the best for Brooklyn kids like me!
Carl Silverman
My family and I were guests at Solway 1965-68. Wonderful times! Thanks for our memories. Carl Silverman (NYC)
Joel Solon
I can almost remember the smell of the nicer back room (for playing cards and chess) where my father Arnold and a wonderful man named Misha would play guitar and piano and sing for the other guests! Sometimes I played along on my bongo drums.
Joel Solon
Spent many wonderful times there in the 60s and 70s with my family (Joel (me), Arnold, and Sue Solon) and the Segall Family (Jon, Josh, and Helen Segall). I often wonder how Philip, Troy, and Seth are doing. Hit my first home run, learned to play tetherball, and had my first crush on the French girl from Nice between me (on the left) and Jon in this photo
Eve Walter
They are good. All three living in Brooklyn.
Eve Walter
I am the only granddaughter of Jack and Martha. Born in 1968 Solway represents my upbringing. Thank you for the memory.
Alison Donovan
I remember you Eve. Your brother was Seth. My family spent so many summers at Solway. The best times of my childhood. Your grandparents were warm and welcoming. So many wonderful memories are flooding my mind as I write this. My parents stayed in the building called the cottage. I stayed up the hill in the camp bunks. My friends were Leslie Berman and Troy Martell. Uncle Ernie was the camp director. He was quite a character.
Daniel Brodie
I used to spend my summers there as a child with my grandparents Bernard and Esther Brodie. I have a few photos to share, when I find them I’ll upload them!
Eve Walter
Hi Daniel!
I have many very happy childhood memories of Solway House. The boys and girls buildings on the hill. The cool counselors. The gazebo where we ate cookie and drank milk around 3pm each day. I remember the smell of the place....so wonderful and welcoming. Looking out the large glass window at the greenest grass. Misha teaching me to swim (or sink lol). Martha and Jack were pleasant and approachable. I invited them to the Pomilio’s 50th Anniversary at Leonard’s of Great Neck and they came and shared in the celebration. I have so many fond memories of Solway House.
Michele Grossman
This is the front sheet of the 4-page Solway House newsletter from May 1963 (Vol. X, No. 2) sent to my grandmother in NYC. Found recently going through my late mother's things. My family holidayed at Solway House for a few summers in the 1960s and I still remember Uncle Irving! Lovely place for NYC city kids like me. --Michele Grossman, Melbourne, Australia
Bonnie Loewenstein
The newsletter name looks vaguely familiar!
Wendy Schuman
Fun to see these memories!
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